It is an apparatous using the properties of a diffractive ("holographic") screen to reproduce complete three-dimensional images ("holoimages").

Two ways of codifying a continuous sequence of views of a scene to be projected on the screen where developed and in these page we are showing the one that employs the spatial distribution of view points which is naturally projected in any projector lens.

The HOLOPROJETOR is like a  slide projector but, due to the developed technique it functions as a perfect three-dimensional projector projecting not photographs but objects itself.

The images of the objects projected on the screen appears seven times magnified, with all the characteristics of a holographic image, including high quality, sharpness, some color and adding to these properties movement.

In this way, an artist who may wish to create a holographic image can do it immediately without needing an specialized laboratory, while being able to change the scene and observing instanstaneously the generated changes on the image.

Aboce: Exhibit of the artist Márcio Minori Ueno, FIESP, São Paulo-SP-BR, 1990.22.07

Rotational effects. small mechanical movements, the movement of a watch's needles, a moving cardiac valvle, generates very interesting and attractive results.

It is also possible to put more than one image over the same screen, observing ghost effects because one objects seems to be moving inside or traversing others.
Different objects may appear at the same place over the screen when the observer moves around it.

A set of three triple panels (nine holoprojectors) was many years in permanent exhibit at the Museum for Science and Technology at the "Horto Florestal",  Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais,  Belo Horizonte City-MG-BR, showing images in respect to the mankind, the culture and the industry of the Minas Gerais state.

One apparatous was bought and will be installed soon at the art gallery that the firm KARAS  STUDIO  HOLOGRAFIA has in Madrid, Spain.

Another one was bought by the group of teaching physics of the Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niteroi-RJ-BR, who since 1998 makes didactical exhibits at public schools of the Rio de Janeiro state.

Another belongs to Mr. S. Bespalhok, from Curitiba City-PN-BR, who makes professionally holographic exhibits.

Watch the video of a demonstration made at Nanjing, China in 1996

For more informations, consultation on renting or buying the equipment or any doubts you must get in contact with:

Prof. José J. Lunazzi  <lunazzi@@ifi.unicamp.br> (leave single the double @@)

Patent "Processo para projeção de imagens com paralaxe horizontal sobre tela holográfica", INPI-BR, 9302553-0, solicitated 1993.18.07, granted october 2000.

I want to know about the technical functioning of the system, I have previous knowledge of optics