"El Popola Cxinio"  1996.12
Welcome to this Web page, which is complementary to another one on activities on scientific research, and deals with my activity on teaching and divulgating optics with the help of students and colleagues during more than 25 years.
It came from www.geocities.com/lunazzi/ensino_i.htm in 2009/10/26 when Geocities make its serve paid.
Come to visit it again in a few monthes because I intend to always incrementate it.  You could also visit my  page for comenting common matters of my life (in portughese).

If you like it, tell to your friends.
If you do not like it, apologize me at least because I do not have enough time for typing, editing, correcting and translating this work.

Cordially yours,

Prof. José J. Lunazzi  <lunazzi @ scientist.com>

You can find here:

* How optics started?  (OLMEC MIRRORS)
* Luneta caseira para ver cometas. (In portughese, though also possible in esperanto and spanish)

*  Experiences on teaching optics presented at the "Simpósio Nacional de Ensino de  Física" - 1995.  (Portughese)

* Teaching holography  (Portughese)
* Exhibits of holography  (Portughese)