The SDSS Data Release 8 (DR8), made publicly available in January 2011 by the SDSS-III collaboration, contains the larger image of the sky ever made covering ~14.000 sq deg or a third of the whole sky. DR8 includes measurements for nearly 500 million stars, galaxies, and quasars, and two million spectra. In this talk we present an overview of the main scientific themes of SDSS-III from extrasolar planets to the large scale distribution of galaxies in the Universe, in particular, the work being done by the Brazilian Participation Group at LIneA ( As member of the SDSS-III collaboration, we host a mirror of the Catalog Archive System (CAS) database containing 12T of catalog data which is available to the community through the SkyServer web application. We also discuss data access tools for images and spectra via the Science Archive System (SAS) interface.