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Research in Brazil are supported by two federal agencies: CAPES (graduate studies) and CNPQ (general support). At the State of São Paulo we can also count on with Fapesp (general support).

Research description

Please, go to the research link for our recent publications and don't be reluctant about entering in contact with us.

Unconventional Superconductivity.

In the broad area of strongly correlated electron systems, one of the most intriguing and interesting set of phenomena is the rise of unconventional superconductivity. By unconventional we mean the breaking of symmetries other than the "simple" breaking of the gauge, U(1), symmetry we use to observe at the superconducting transition in conventional materials.

Additional symmetry breaking can often lead to the coexistence of different kinds of order and superconductivity. Recently the group studied the coexistence of CDWs and superconductivity on the 2-D transition metal dichalcogenides. Our way now is towards the interplay of magnetism and superconductivity, specially in the case of the recently discovered ferromagnetic superconductors ZrZn(2), UGe(2) and URhGe.

Quantum Transport Properties.

The fabrication and experimental characterization of nanowires, nanocontacts, mesoscopic devices... poses intriguing theoretical issues, as the MR effect, spin dependence of scattering processes (spintronics), conductance, etc.

This is the "new" field of nanoscience. In these experiments we are in a transport regime where a semi classical theory (Boltzmann theory) is no longer applicable, since quantum effects play a great role. Recently we studied magnetic tunneling junctions of different kind (resonant, ferromagnetic...) and now we've started to investigate the coupling of superconducting materials and magnetic nanocontacts.

Undergraduate (only for students at Unicamp)

Possíveis projetos de iniciação científica incluem o estudo teórico de algum tópico da física de matéria condensada. No entanto, projetos ligados a física de altas energia tambêm são possíveis. O grupo trabalha com bolsas PIBIC e da FAPESP, sendo que os projetos do grupo têm encontrado grande aceitação de ambas agências. Entre em contato para maiores detalhes.