Books published by A. K. T. Assis:

(A) Books in English; (B) books in German; (C) books in Russian; (D) books in Portuguese; (E) books in Italian; (F) Portuguese translations of books:

Some books are available in PDF format. To read and print them you will need the free software Adobe Acrobat Reader.

(A) Books in English:

16 - A. K. T. Assis and L. L. Bucciarelli, "Coulomb's Memoirs on Torsion, Electricity, and Magnetism Translated into English", (Apeiron, Montreal, 2023), 546 pages, ISBN: 978-1-987980-33-2. Book in PDF format (15 Mb): This book can be ordered from Amazon: Interview of April 2022 related to the Portuguese translation of Coulomb's Memoirs presented to the channel IFGW-Play of the Institute of Physics of the University of Campinas - Unicamp: Reviews of this book: (a) By Mathias Hüfner: "Coulomb, a pioneer of the electric universe": and Presentation of this English translation by John Plaice:

15 - A. K. T. Assis (editor), "Wilhelm Weber's Main Works on Electrodynamics Translated into English", Volume 4: "Conservation of Energy, Weber's Planetary Model of the Atom and the Unification of Electromagnetism and Gravitation" (Apeiron, Montreal, 2021), 270 pages, ISBN: 978-1-987980-29-5. Book in PDF format (7 Mb): Errata. This book can be ordered from Amazon: This is the fourth of 4 volumes of the book “Wilhelm Weber’s Main Works on Electrodynamics Translated into English”. This fourth Volume begins with the English translation of Gauss' posthumous paper published in 1867. He arrived at a force law depending on the positions and velocities of the interacting electrified particles from which he could deduce not only electrostatics, but also the force between current elements. Then comes Carl Neumann's 1868 paper on the principles of electrodynamics. In this work Neumann introduced the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations of Weber's electrodynamics. Moreover, he also showed that Weber's law was compatible with the principle of the conservation of energy. Then comes Weber's 1871 Sixth major Memoir on Electrodynamic Measurements. He showed once more in detail that his force law was compatible with the principle of the conservation of energy. Moreover, he studied the two-body problem according to his electrodynamics. He showed that in some conditions two particles electrified with charges of the same sign might attract one another. This Volume also contains the English translation of Tisserand's 1872 paper on the motion of planets around the Sun according to Weber's law. He calculated, for instance, the precession of the perihelion of the planets. Weber's Seventh major Memoir on Electrodynamic Measurements was published in 1878. It is devoted to the energy of interaction. His Eight major Memoir, thought to be written in the 1880's, was published only posthumously in 1894 in his collected works. It is related to the connection of Weber’s force with the law of gravitation. Moreover, it contains his mature planetary model of the atom in which the nucleus is held together by purely electrodynamic forces according to Weber's law. This volume closes with an overview of Weber's law applied to electromagnetism and gravitation, together with some possible future developments of his theory. The main topics are the unifications in physics: (a) Ampère's unification of magnetism, electrodynamics and electromagnetism; (b) Weber's unification of the laws of Coulomb, Ampère and Faraday; (c) unification of optics with electrodynamics; (d) unification of nuclear physics with electrodynamics; (e) applications of Weber's law for gravitation; (f) unification of gravitation with electrodynamics; and (g) unification of inertia with gravitation, in particular, the implementation of Mach's principle and the deduction of Newton's second law of motion from Weber's force applied to gravitation. Reviews of this book: (a) Physik Journal, Volume 21, Number 1, page 70 (2022):; (b) By L. Hecht in the Amazon site:; (c) by Mathias Hüfner: On the history of electrodynamics and conclusions for the electric universe:; (d) by Mathias Hüfner: Würdigung eines in Deutschland fast vergessenen Physikers, Wilhelm Eduard Weber: Presentation of this English translation by John Plaice:

14 - A. K. T. Assis (editor), "Wilhelm Weber's Main Works on Electrodynamics Translated into English", Volume 3: "Measurement of Weber's Constant c, Diamagnetism, the Telegraph Equation and the Propagation of Electric Waves at Light Velocity" (Apeiron, Montreal, 2021), 425 pages, ISBN: 978-1-987980-27-1. Book in PDF format (10 Mb): Errata. This book can be ordered from Amazon: This is the third of 4 volumes of the book “Wilhelm Weber’s Main Works on Electrodynamics Translated into English”. This third Volume contains Weber's main works related to diamagnetism, including his Third major Memoir on Electrodynamic Measurements (1852). These works are followed by three papers published by Weber and Rudolf Kohlraush in 1855-1857 in which they presented the measurement of Weber's fundamental constant c appearing in his force law. Weber and Kohlrausch's 1857 work is the Fourth major Memoir on Electrodynamic Measurements. Soon after this measurement, Kirchhoff and Weber succeeded in deducing the complete telegraph equation from Weber's electrodynamics. Their works were published in 1857 and 1864. They showed that when the resistance of the wire was negligible, the telegraph equation reduced to the wave equation. The velocity of propagation of an electric wave along the wire was equal to the known light velocity in vacuum. This remarkable result of Weber's electrodynamics indicated for the first time in the history of physics a direct and quantitative connection between electrodynamics and optics. This volume contains the English translations of Kirchhoff's two papers of 1857, together with a paper by J. C. Poggendorff emphasizing the independent researches made by Weber and Kirchhoff on this subject in which both scientists arrived simultaneously at similar results. Weber's 1864 work is his Fifth major Memoir on Electrodynamic Measurements. The translation of this paper is also included in this Volume. Reviews of this book: (a) Physik Journal, Volume 21, Number 1, page 70 (2022):; (b) By L. Hecht in the Amazon site:; (c) by Mathias Hüfner: On the history of electrodynamics and conclusions for the electric universe:; (d) by Mathias Hüfner: Würdigung eines in Deutschland fast vergessenen Physikers, Wilhelm Eduard Weber: Presentation of this English translation by John Plaice:

13 - A. K. T. Assis (editor), "Wilhelm Weber's Main Works on Electrodynamics Translated into English", Volume 2: "Weber's Fundamental Force and the Unification of the Laws of Coulomb, Ampère and Faraday" (Apeiron, Montreal, 2021), 460 pages, ISBN: 978-1-987980-25-7. Book in PDF format (7 Mb): Errata. This book can be ordered from Amazon: This is the second of 4 volumes of the book “Wilhelm Weber’s Main Works on Electrodynamics Translated into English”. This second Volume begins with the text of the Gauss-Weber correspondence of 1845. It is related to Ampère's force between current elements and Weber's ideas about the unification of the electrostatic and electrodynamic laws. It is followed by a paper by Fechner published in 1845 in which he presented some qualitative ideas in the same direction. That is, to unify Ampère's force and Faraday's law of induction with electrostatics. To this end he suggested a force depending not only on the distance between the interacting electrified particles, but also on their velocities. At the end of his paper, Fechner mentioned that his work might be seen as a forerunner of Weber's investigations. Then comes Weber's First major Memoir on Electrodynamic Measurements, published in 1846. This work is probably Weber's most important publication. He introduced his bifilar electrodynamometer with which he could measure currents with high precision. Initially he utilized this instrument in order to prove Ampère' force. He then utilized Ampère's force between current elements in order to deduce his own force law between electrified particles. Weber's force between two electrified particles depends not only on their distance, but also on their relative velocity and relative acceleration. He showed that it was possible to unify the laws of Coulomb, Ampère and Faraday with his force law. This Volume contains also Weber's 1848 paper in which he introduced his velocity dependent potential energy. It is followed by Kirchhoff's 1849 paper on a deduction of Ohm's law in connection with the theory of electrostatics. This Volume finishes with Weber's Second major Memoir on Electrodynamic Measurements (1852). The main focus of this work was the absolute measure of resistance. Weber's Memoir contains also his pioneering calculation of the distribution of charges along the surfaces of resistive conductors carrying steady currents. In particular, he considered a cylindrical straight conductor and a resistive ring. Reviews of this book: (a) Physik Journal, Volume 21, Number 1, page 70 (2022):; (b) By L. Hecht in the Amazon site:; (c) by Mathias Hüfner: On the history of electrodynamics and conclusions for the electric universe:; (d) by Mathias Hüfner: Würdigung eines in Deutschland fast vergessenen Physikers, Wilhelm Eduard Weber: Presentation of this English translation by John Plaice:

12 - A. K. T. Assis (editor), "Wilhelm Weber's Main Works on Electrodynamics Translated into English", Volume 1: "Gauss and Weber's Absolute System of Units" (Apeiron, Montreal, 2021), 245 pages, ISBN: 978-1-987980-23-3. Book in PDF format (12 Mb): Errata. This book can be ordered from Amazon: This is the first of 4 volumes of the book “Wilhelm Weber’s Main Works on Electrodynamics Translated into English”. It begins with Gauss' work on the absolute measure of the Earth's magnetic force. In this work Gauss introduced the absolute system of units in which electromagnetic magnitudes were measured based on the dimensions of length, mass and time (specifically millimeter, milligram and second). In particular, he obtained absolute measures of the Earth's magnetic force and of the magnetic moment of a magnetized bar. As he acknowledged in the paper, he was assisted by Wilhelm Weber in many ways. This volume also contains translations of other papers by Gauss, Weber and Wöhler up to 1842. They deal with the Magnetic Association created by Gauss and Weber, their instruments to perform high precision magnetic measurements including the unifilar and bifilar magnetometers, the composition of galvanic piles and the electrochemical equivalent of water. A large portion of Weber's works in physics was to implement and extend the absolute system of units. In particular, he created methods to effectively obtain high precision absolute measures of electric charge, electric current, electromotive force and resistance. Reviews of this book: (a) Physik Journal, Volume 21, Number 1, page 70 (2022):; (b) By L. Hecht in the Amazon site:; (c) by Mathias Hüfner: On the history of electrodynamics and conclusions for the electric universe:; (d) by Mathias Hüfner: Würdigung eines in Deutschland fast vergessenen Physikers, Wilhelm Eduard Weber: Presentation of this English translation by John Plaice:

11 - A. K. T. Assis, "The Experimental and Historical Foundations of Electricity", Volume 2 (Apeiron, Montreal, 2018), 306 pages, ISBNs: 978-1-987980-10-3 (softcover) and 978-1-987980-11-0 (pdf). Book in PDF format (6.4 Mb): Errata. This book can be ordered from Amazon: Presentation of this book by David Hilster of Dissident Science: Talk presented on July 20, 2021, at the International Conference Hands-on Science organized by Manuel Filipe P. C. Martins Costa and José Benito Vázquez Dorrío:

10 - A. K. T. Assis and J. P. M. C. Chaib, "Ampère’s Electrodynamics – Analysis of the Meaning and Evolution of Ampère’s Force between Current Elements, together with a Complete Translation of His Masterpiece: Theory of Electrodynamic Phenomena, Uniquely Deduced from Experience" (Apeiron, Montreal, 2015), 543 pages, ISBNs: 978-1-987980-03-5 (paperback) and 978-1-987980-04-2 (pdf). This work contains a complete and commented translation of Ampère's main book (1826): "Théorie des phénomènes électro-dynamiques, uniquement déduite de l'expérience". Book in PDF format (22 Mb): Foreword by Michael D. Godfrey. Errata. This book can be ordered from Amazon: Review of the Portuguese version of this book: J. J. Caluzi, Resenha: Eletrodinâmica de Ampère, Caderno Brasileiro de Ensino de Física, Vol. 29, pp. 345-349 (2012). Presentation of this English translation by John Plaice:

9 - A. K. T. Assis, "Relational Mechanics and Implementation of Mach's Principle with Weber's Gravitational Force" (Apeiron, Montreal, 2014), 542 pages, ISBN: 9780992045630. Book in PDF format (6 Mb): Errata. A new cover for this book. This book can be ordered from Amazon: Review of this book: M. J. Pinheiro, Book Review, Science & Education, Vol. 25, pp. 245-248 (2016). DOI: 10.1007/s11191-015-9796-0.

8 - A. K. T. Assis and C. P. Magnaghi, "The Illustrated Method of Archimedes: Utilizing the Law of the Lever to Calculate Areas, Volumes and Centers of Gravity" (Apeiron, Montreal, 2012), 46 pages, ISBN: 9780986492679. Book in PDF format (1.2 Mb): Errata. This book can be ordered from Amazon:

7 - A. K. T. Assis, K. H. Wiederkehr and G. Wolfschmidt, "Weber’s Planetary Model of the Atom" (Tredition Science, Hamburg, 2011), 184 pages, ISBN: 9783842402416. Edited by G. Wolfschmidt. Table of Contents. Cover. Errata. To order from Tredition Science: This book can also be ordered from Amazon: Review of this book: U. Hoyer, Gauss-Gesellschaft Mitteilungen, Vol. 49, pp. 121-123 (2012).

This book presents the planetary model of the atom developed by Wilhelm Weber (1804-1891) in the second half of the XIXth century, before Bohr's model. It is based on Weber's electrodynamic force of 1846, which depends on the distance between the interacting charges, their relative velocity and their relative acceleration. Weber showed that two interacting charges of the same sign could behave as if they had negative inertial masses when they were accelerated relative to one another, provided they were moving at very close distances smaller than a critical distance r_c. When this condition is fulfilled, these two charges of the same sign will attract one another, instead of repelling each other as usually observed. Weber then predicted that atoms might be composed of negative charges describing elliptical orbits around the positive nucleus, being attracted by the nucleus, while the positive particles composing the nucleus would also attract one another due to their negative inertial masses. Three main remarkable aspects of his model should be emphasized:

6 - A. K. T. Assis, "The Experimental and Historical Foundations of Electricity" (Apeiron, Montreal, 2010), 268 pages, ISBN: 9780986492631. Book in PDF format (4.5 Mb): Errata. This book can be ordered from Amazon: Review of this book: J. Guisasola, Science & Education, Vol. 21, pp. 283-285 (2012), DOI: 10.1007/s11191-010-9318-z, available at: This review was also published in March 2011 issue of the Newsletter of the International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Group: Review of the Portuguese version of this book: F. L. d. Silveira, Resenha: Os Fundamentos Experimentais e Históricos da Eletricidade and, Caderno Brasileiro de Ensino de Física, Vol. 27, Number 2, pp. 411-415 (2010). Videos of experiments inspired by this book performed in Italy by Pietro Cerreta of the organization ScienzaViva: Videos of experiments inspired by this book performed in Italy by the students of Francesco Minosso of the Istituto Bruno Franchetti: and Videos of experiments inspired by this book performed in Germany by Derk Frerichs and Stephan Pfeiler: David de Hilster of Dissident Science unboxing the experimental kit for this book: Talk presented on July 20, 2021, at the International Conference Hands-on Science organized by Manuel Filipe P. C. Martins Costa and José Benito Vázquez Dorrío:

5 – A. K. T. Assis, “Archimedes, the Center of Gravity, and the First Law of Mechanics: The Law of the Lever” (Apeiron, Montreal, 2nd edition, 2010), 223 pages, ISBN: 9780986492648. Second edition of this book in PDF format (2 Mb): First edition: A. K. T. Assis; “Archimedes, the Center of Gravity, and the First Law of Mechanics” (Apeiron, Montreal, 1st edition, 2008), 187 pages, ISBN: 9780973291162. First edition of this book in PDF format (2 Mb): Errata of the 1st edition. This book can be ordered from Amazon: 2nd edition: 1st edition: Review of this book: (A) M. Danhoni, Arquimedes, Jornal da Ciência da SBPC, JC e-mail 3567, 01 de agosto de 2008. Video of an experiment inspired by this book made by Ricardo Lacerda:

4 – A. K. T. Assis and J. A. Hernandes, "The Electric Force of a Current: Weber and the Surface Charges of Resistive Conductors Carrying Steady Currents" (Apeiron, Montreal, 2007), 239 pages, ISBN: 9780973291155. Book in PDF format (5 Mb): Preface by Hermann Härtel. Errata. This book can be ordered from Amazon: and at Barnes and Noble: Reviews of this book: (A) J. Fukai, Note de Lecture, Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie, Vol. 32, pp. 557-558 (2007); (B) L. Hecht, Wilhelm Weber defended, 21st Century Science & Technology, Fall 2007, p. 72; (C1) H. Torres-Silva, Review of book, Ingeniare, Revista Chilena de Ingeniería, Vol. 16, pp. 273-274 (2008); (C2) H. Torres-Silva, Reseña de libro, Ingeniare, Revista Chilena de Ingeniería, Vol. 16, pp. 275-277 (2008); (D) H. Härtel, Buchbesprechung, Mitteilungen der Gauss-Gesellschaft, Vol. 45, pp. 122-123 (2008).

3 – M. d. A. Bueno and A. K. T. Assis, "Inductance and Force Calculations in Electrical Circuits" (Nova Science Publishers, Huntington, New York, 2001), 135 pages, ISBN: 1560729171. Table of Contents. Cover. Errata. This book can be ordered from Nova Science Publishers: This book can also be ordered from Amazon:

2 – A. K. T. Assis, "Relational Mechanics" (Apeiron, Montreal, Canada, 1999), 285 pages, ISBN: 0968368921. Book in PDF format (3 Mb): Errata. This book can also be ordered from Amazon: and at Barnes and Noble: Reviews of this book: (A) T. E. Phipps Jr., Book Reviews: Relational Mechanics, Apeiron, Vol. 7, pp. 113-115 (2000); (B) A. E. Chubykalo, Book Reviews: Relational Mechanics, Apeiron, Vol. 7, p. 115 (2000); (C) T. E. Phipps Jr., Book Review: Relational Mechanics, Foundations of Physics, Vol. 30, pp. 171-173 (2000); (D) O. Costa de Beauregard, Notes de lecture: Relational Mechanics, Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie, Vol. 25, pp. 267-268 (2000); (E) T. E. Phipps Jr., Book Review: Relational Mechanics, Infinite Energy, Vol. 38, July-August 2001, pp. 67-70; (F) Marco Mamone Capria, Book Review: Relational Mechanics, Episteme, Vol. 3, p. 21 (2001):; (G) A good discussion of Relational Mechanics in Spanish can be found in the book Inercia y Gravitacion – La Verdadera Influencia de los Astros, of J. G. Valverde (with the collaboration of J. Tramaglia and R. Rapacioli), (Fundacion Julio Palácios, Universidad Nacional Del Comahue, Argentina, 1999), ISBN: 9879770307.

1 – A. K. T. Assis, "Weber's Electrodynamics" (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1994), 288 pages, hardbound, ISBN: 0792331370. Volume 66 of the series Fundamental Theories of Physics. Table of Contents. Preface. Cover. Errata. It can be ordered from Springer: This book can also be ordered from Amazon: and at Barnes and Noble: Reviews of this book: (A) T. E. Phipps Jr., Book review: Weber's Electrodynamics, Foundations of Physics, Vol. 25, pp. 1111-1115 (1995); (B) O. Costa de Beauregard, Notes de lecture: Weber's Electrodynamics, Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie, Vol. 20, pp. 523-524 (1995); (C) J. P. Wesley, Book review: Weber's Electrodynamics, Foundations of Physics Letters, Vol. 8, pp. 299-301 (1995); (D) W. Kaiser, "Book Reviews: Weber's Electrodynamics", Isis, Vol. 87, pp. 735-736 (1996), (E) O. Darrigol, Analyses d'ouvrages: Weber's Electrodynamics, Revue d'Histoire des Sciences, Vol. 50, 1/2 Janvier-Juin, p. 213 (1997); (F) J. Fukai, Book reviews: Weber's Electrodynamics, Apeiron, Vol. 6, pp. 115-116 (1999), (G) O. Costa de Beauregard, Notes de lecture: Weber's Electrodynamics, Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie, Vol. 24, pp. 212-213 (1999).

(B) Books in German:

2 - A. K. T. Assis, K. H. Wiederkehr and G. Wolfschmidt, "Webers Planeten-Modell des Atoms" (Apeiron, Montreal, 2018), 102 pages, ISBNs: 978-1-987980-13-4 (softcover) and 978-1-987980-14-1 (pdf). German translation by Hermann Härtel. Book in PDF format (3 Mb): This book can be ordered from Amazon: Review of the English version of this book: U. Hoyer, Gauss-Gesellschaft Mitteilungen, Vol. 49, pp. 121-123 (2012).

1 – A. K. T. Assis and J. A. Hernandes, "Elektrischer Strom und Oberflächenladungen: was Wilhelm Weber schon vor mehr als 150 Jahren wusste" (Apeiron, Montreal, 2013), 218 pages, ISBN: 978-0-9920456-0-9. German translation by Hermann Härtel. Book in PDF format (5 Mb): Errata. This book can be ordered from Amazon:

(C) Books in Russian:

2 - A. K. T. Assis, "The Experimental and Historical Foundations of Electricity" (Apeiron, Montreal, Volume 2, 2019), 327 pages, ISBNs: 9781987980196 (softcover) and 9781987980202 (pdf). Book in Russian translated by Arthur Baraov. Book in PDF format (5 Mb): This book can be ordered from Amazon: Information in Russian about this book:

1 - A. K. T. Assis, "The Experimental and Historical Foundations of Electricity" (Apeiron, Montreal, 2015), 288 pages, ISBN: 978-0-9920456-9-2. Book in Russian translated by Arthur Baraov. Book in PDF format (6 Mb): This book can be ordered from Amazon: Review of the English version of this book: J. Guisasola, Science & Education, Vol. 21, pp. 283-285 (2012), DOI: 10.1007/s11191-010-9318-z, available at: This review was also published in March 2011 issue of the Newsletter of the International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Group: Review of the Portuguese version of this book: F. L. d. Silveira, Resenha: Os Fundamentos Experimentais e Históricos da Eletricidade and, Caderno Brasileiro de Ensino de Física, Vol. 27, Number 2, pp. 411-415 (2010). Videos of experiments inspired by this book performed in Italy by Pietro Cerreta of the organization ScienzaViva: Videos of experiments inspired by this book performed in Italy by the students of Francesco Minosso of the Istituto Bruno Franchetti: and Videos of experiments inspired by this book performed in Germany by Derk Frerichs and Stephan Pfeiler: Information in Russian about this book:

(D) Books in Portuguese:

16 - A. K. T. Assis, "Tradução Comentada das Principais Obras de Coulomb sobre Eletricidade e Magnetismo" (Translation of Coulomb's Main Works on Electricity and Magnetism, with Commentary) (Apeiron, Montreal, 2022), 515 pages, ISBN-10: 198798031X and ISBN-13: 978-1987980318. Book in PDF format (13 Mb): Errata. This book can also be ordered from Amazon: This book contains complete translations from French to Portuguese, with commentary, of the main works of Charles-Augustin de Coulomb (1736-1806). They include his French Academy prize-winning memoir of 1777 on the best manner of constructing magnetic needles, his torsion work of 1784 and his 7 major Memoirs on electricity and magnetism read at the Academy from 1785 to 1791. In his works he described his famous torsion balance and his proof plane device utilized for quantitative studies in physics. He arrived experimentally at the law of torsion of silk threads and metal wires, at the central force between electrified bodies varying as the inverse square of their distance (known in the textbooks as Coulomb's law), at the law of force between magnetic poles also varying as the inverse square of their separation, at the law of exponential decay with which an electrified body loses charge to the support and environment (charge leakage), at the distribution of electricity at the surface of charged conducting bodies of differing sizes and chapes in several configurations of electrostatic equilibrium, and in advanced methods of magnetization and production of artificial magnets. He also created a theory of magnetism based on molecular polarization. Michael Clarage's presentation of this book: Interview of April 2022 related to this book presented to the channel IFGW-Play of the Institute of Physics of the University of Campinas - Unicamp:

15 - C. P. Magnaghi and A. K. T. Assis, "O Método de Arquimedes: Análise e Tradução Comentada" (Archimdes' Method: Analysis and Translation, with Commentary) (Apeiron, Montreal, 2019), 234 pages, ISBN-10: 1987980174 and ISBN-13: 978-1987980172. Book in PDF format (16 Mb): Errata. This book can be ordered from Amazon: This book presents a translation from Greek to Portuguese, with commentary, of Archimedes' work "The Method". In 1906 Johan Ludvig Heiberg (1854-1928), a Danish philologist and historian of science, discovered a new text by Archimedes (287-212 BC). It was a letter addressed to Eratosthenes (285-194 BC), the famous Greek scientist responsible for the famous Alexandria Library and for the most precise determination of the radius of the Earth. This work of Archimedes has been since then called "The Method". Normally scientists utilize mathematics in order to deduce physical laws and the properties of bodies. Archimedes inverted this procedure with his method. He utilized physics in order to deduce mathematical laws. He created a new paradigm. In this letter he presented a heuristic method to calculate areas, volumes and centers of gravity of geometrical figures utilizing the law of the lever. In particular, he utilized this method to deduce for the first time in history extremely important mathematical magnitudes like the area and volume of a sphere. For this reason this method has been considered by some authors as a Copernican revolution. This book presents an analysis of this method, together with a complete translation of Archimedes's work, with commentary. In our discussion of this work we included several figures in order to clarify Archimedes' reasoning and illustrating several levers in equilibrium which were implicitly mentioned by Archimdes.

14 - A. K. T. Assis, "Os Fundamentos Experimentais e Históricos da Eletricidade", Volume 2 (Apeiron, Montreal, 2018), 312 pages, ISBNs: 978-1-987980-09-7 (softcover) and 978-1-987980-12-7 (pdf). Book in PDF format (6 Mb): Errata. This book can be ordered from Amazon: Presentation of this book by David Hilster of Dissident Science:

13 - A. K. T. Assis and C. P. Magnaghi, "O Método Ilustrado de Arquimedes: Utilizando a Lei da Alavanca para Calcular Áreas, Volumes e Centros de Gravidade" (Apeiron, Montreal, 2014), 51 pages, ISBN: 9780992045678. Book in PDF format (1.2 Mb): This book can be ordered from Amazon:

12 - A. K. T. Assis, K. H. Wiederkehr and G. Wolfschmidt, "O Modelo Planetário de Weber para o Átomo" (Apeiron, Montreal, 2014), 102 pages, ISBN: 9780992045654. Book in PDF format (2 Mb): This book can be ordered from Amazon:

11 - A. K. T. Assis, "Mecânica Relacional e Implementação do Princípio de Mach com a Força de Weber Gravitacional" (Apeiron, Montreal, 2013), 459 pages, ISBN: 9780986492693. Book in PDF format (5 Mb): Errata. A new cover for this book. This book can be ordered from Amazon:

10 - S. L. B. Boss, A. K. T. Assis and J. J. Caluzi, "Stephen Gray e a Descoberta dos Condutores e Isolantes: Tradução Comentada de Seus Artigos sobre Eletricidade e Reprodução de Seus Principais Experimentos" (Stephen Gray and the Discovery of Conductors and Insulators: Translation of His Papers on Electricity, with Commentary, and Reproduction is His Main Experiments) (Editora Cultura Acadêmica da Unesp, São Paulo, 2012), 458 pages, ISBN: 9788579833748. Book in PDF format (3 Mb): or and The printed book can be ordered from: This book contains a complete and commented Portuguese translation of Stephen Gray's 10 papers on electricity, including his great discovery of conductors and insulators. This book presents the life and work of Stephen Gray (1666-1736). It is shown the knowledge of electricity until the time of Gray, some of his main contributions, and the influence of his work upon later researchers. The main discovery of Gray was to find in nature two kinds of substances with very different electrical properties. These substances are called nowadays conductors and insulators. He obtained some of the main properties of these substances. He succeeded in transmitting to metals and to other conductors, for the first time in history, the property of attracting light bodies placed in their neighborhoods. This phenomenon is called nowadays electrical induction or polarization. He also succeeded in electrifying insulated conductors through sparks or electrical discharges between these conductors and an electrified glass tube placed in their neighborhoods. Moreover, he created the first electrets in history, that is, substances presenting a long term electrification, showing also how to preserve temporally the electrification of bodies. This book presents the commented Portuguese translation of all his 10 papers on electricity. His experiments are contextualized, illustrated with didactic figures and explained based on the actual knowledge of physics. Some of the main electrical instruments are presented, like the versorium, the electroscope, the pendulous thread and the electric pendulum. This work presents the differences between modern glasses and those glasses of Gray’s time. His main experiments are reproduced with simple and cheap materials. At the end of this work, we discuss briefly on the relation of some aspects of this book with science education. There is a large bibliography at the end of the book.

9 - A. K. T. Assis and J. P. M. d. C. Chaib, "Eletrodinâmica de Ampère: Análise do significado e da evolução da força de Ampère, juntamente com a tradução comentada de sua principal obra sobre eletrodinâmica" (Editora da Unicamp, Campinas, 2011), 589 pages, ISBN: 9788526809383. This book contains a complete and commented Portuguese translation of Ampère's main work on electrodynamics (1826): Théorie des phénomènes électro-dynamiques, uniquement déduite de l'expérience. Cover. Table of Contents. Errata. To order write to: Editora da UNICAMP, Rua Caio Graco Prado 50, 13083-892 Campinas - SP, Brazil. Telephone: +55 (19) 35217787, Fax: +55 (19) 35217207, homepage:, e-mail: The electronic version of this book is available through Macaw Press: This book received the Jabuti Book Prize 2012 given by the Brazilian Book Chamber - Câmara Brasileira do Livro, as book of the year in the area of Exact Sciences and Technology: Review of this book: J. J. Caluzi, Resenha: Eletrodinâmica de Ampère, Caderno Brasileiro de Ensino de Física, Vol. 29, Number 2, pp. 345-349 (2012). Presentation in Portuguese of this book made by João Paulo Martins de Castro Chaib on September 02, 2021:

8 - A. K. T. Assis, "Os Fundamentos Experimentais e Históricos da Eletricidade" (Apeiron, Montreal, 2010), 274 pages, ISBN: 9780986492617. Book in PDF format (4 Mb): Errata. This book can be ordered from Amazon: This book has also been published in Brazil: A. K. T. Assis, Os Fundamentos Experimentais e Históricos da Eletricidade (Editora Livraria da Física, São Paulo, 2011), 266 pages, ISBN: 9788578610975. Cover. Table of Contents. Errata. To order: Review of this book: F. L. d. Silveira, Resenha: Os Fundamentos Experimentais e Históricos da Eletricidade and, Caderno Brasileiro de Ensino de Física, Vol. 27, Number 2, pp. 411-415 (2010). Review of the English version of this book: J. Guisasola, Science & Education, Vol. 21, pp. 283-285 (2012), DOI: 10.1007/s11191-010-9318-z, available at: This review was also published in March 2011 issue of the Newsletter of the International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Group: Videos of experiments inspired by this book performed in Italy by Pietro Cerreta of the organization ScienzaViva: Videos of experiments inspired by this book performed in Italy by the students of Francesco Minosso of the Istituto Bruno Franchetti: and Videos of experiments inspired by this book performed in Germany by Derk Frerichs and Stephan Pfeiler: Master theses containing experimental activities based on this book: (I) Anabel Cardoso Raicik supervised by Prof. Luiz O. Q. Peduzzi: Experimentos exploratórios: os contextos da descoberta e da justificativa nos trabalhos de Gray e Du Fay; (II) Ronaldo Furtado de Oliveira supervised by Prof. Marcia Regina Santana Pereira: O Ensino de Eletrostática na Educação Básica Baseado em Experimentos Históricos Utilizando um Kit de Baixo Custo; (III) Carlos Augusto Silva supervised by Prof. James Alves de Souza: Abordagem de Conceitos sobre Eletrostática no Ensino Médio Através de uma Oficina de Ensino de Física.

7 - A. K. T. Assis and J. A. Hernandes, “A Força Elétrica de uma Corrente: Weber e as Cargas Superficiais de Condutores Resistivos com Correntes Constantes” (Edusp and Edufal, São Paulo and Maceió, 2009), 256 pages, Volume 73 of the series Acadêmica, ISBNs: 9788531411236 (Edusp) and 9788571774315 (Edufal). Cover. Table of Contents. Preface written by Hermann Härtel. Errata. This book can be ordered from Edusp: It can also be bought from Edufal: This book can also be ordered from Amazon:

6 – A. K. T. Assis, “Arquimedes, o Centro de Gravidade e a Lei da Alavanca” (Apeiron, Montreal, 2008), 243 pages, ISBN: 9780973291179. Book in PDF format (2.6 Mb): Errata. This book can be ordered from Amazon: This book has also been published in Brazil: A. K. T. Assis, "Arquimedes, o Centro de Gravidade e a Lei da Alavanca" (Editora Livraria da Física, São Paulo, 2011), 236 pages, ISBN: 9788578611057. Cover. Errata. Table of Contents. To order: Our interview in Portuguese about this book: M. A. Marino and A. F. Sartori, Formadores do Núcleo EaD do Cecemca, Professor André de Assis fala de seu livro sobre Arquimedes em entrevista ao Portal CECEMCA. Reviews of this book: (A) N. Studart, Resenha: Arquimedes, o Centro de Gravidade e a Lei da Alavanca, A Física na Escola, Vol. 9, n. 2, p. 44 (2008); (B) D. F. Carvalho Jacobucci, Resenha: Arquimedes, o Centro de Gravidade e a Lei da Alavanca, Caderno Brasileiro de Ensino de Física, Vol. 26, n. 1, pp. 218-221 (2009). Video of an experiment inspired by this book made by Ricardo Lacerda: Activities in Schools based on this book: Elective course "How things work" of the Public School Paulo Virgilio, 2023, coordenated by Prof. Guilherme Muniz Pereira Chaves Urias: Master theses containing experimental activities based on this book: (I) Tatiane Feu Teixeira Santiago supervised by Prof. Paulo Henrique Dias Menezes: Modelo de ensino para mudanças conceituais: desenvolvendo o conceito de centro de gravidade. (II) Anderson Kneipp Duarte supervised by Prof. Thales Costa Soares: Sequência de ensino investigativo em centros de ciências: desenvolvendo o conceito de torque e a lei da alavanca. Presentation in Portuguese made by João Ferreira Fonseca and Luciana Vital Dantas Souza, supervised by Prof. Frederico Ayres de Oliveira Neto, of the Federal University of Mato Grosso, UFMT, which took place on December 15, 2020, related to experiments discussed in this book: Oficinas da Estática à Dinâmica.

5 – A. K. T. Assis, "Uma Nova Física" (Editora Perspectiva, São Paulo, Brazil, 1999), 176 pages. ISBN: 85-273-0199-7. The first reprint is from 2002. Cover. Table of Contents. Preface. To order write to: Editora Perspectiva, Av. Brigadeiro Luis Antônio 3025, 01401-000 São Paulo-SP, Brazil. Telephone: (++55) (11) 38858388. Telefax: (++55) (11) 38856878. E-mail: This book can also be ordered from Amazon:

4 – A. K. T. Assis, "Mecânica Relacional" (Editora do CLE da UNICAMP/FAPESP, Campinas, Brazil, 1998), 349 pages, ISBN: 8586497010. Book in PDF format (2 Mb): Errata. To order write to: Centro de Lógica Epistemologia e História da Ciência, UNICAMP, CEP 13081-970 Campinas - SP, Brazil, telephone: (++55) (19) 35216522, fax: (++55) (19) 32893269, E-mail: and Reviews of this book: (A1) A. Zylbersztajn, Resenha de Mecânica Relacional, Caderno Catarinense de Ensino de Física, Vol. 15, número 2, pp. 210-212 (1998), review in Portuguese; (A2) A. Zylbersztajn, Reseña: Mecânica Relacional, Caderno Catarinense de Ensino de Física, Vol. 15, número 2 (1998), review in Spanish; (B) W. Barroso, Físico revê polêmica Newton/Leibniz, Brazilian newspaper O Tempo - Ano 3, número 822, Caderno Magazine, p. 3, 27/02/99; (C) D. S. L. Soares, O balde de Newton e o espaço absoluto: Uma resenha de Mecânica Relacional, de André Koch Torres Assis, CLECH, UNICAMP, (1998), 349p, Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física, Vol. 21, pp. 558-560 (1999). (D) Uma boa discussão da Mecânica Relacional encontra-se em espanhol no livro Inercia y Gravitacion – La Verdadera Influencia de los Astros, de J. G. Valverde (com a colaboração de J. Tramaglia e R. Rapacioli), (Fundacion Julio Palácios, Universidad Nacional Del Comahue, Argentina, 1999), ISBN: 9879770307.

3 – M. Bueno and A. K. T. Assis, "Cálculo de Indutância e de Força em Circuitos Elétricos" (Apeiron, Montreal, second edition, 2015), 209 pages, ISBN: 9781987980011. Book in pdf (1.2 Mb): This book can be ordered from Amazon: First edition: Marcelo Bueno and A. K. T. Assis, "Cálculo de Indutância e de Força em Circuitos Elétricos" (Editora da UFSC/Editora da UEM, Florianópolis/Maringá, Brazil, 1998), 164 pages. Table of Contents. ISBN: 8532801196. Cover. Errata. Reviews of this book: (A) O. Freire Jr., Debate redivivo, cem anos depois, Brazilian newspaper A Tarde - Caderno 4 - Cultural, p. 11, Salvador, 26/09/98, (B1) J. B. Bastos Filho, Resenha: Cálculo de Indutância e de Força em Circuitos Elétricos, Caderno Catarinense de Ensino de Física, Vol. 16, Número 2, pp. 254-256 (1999), review in Portuguese, (B2) J. B. Bastos Filho, Reseña: Cálculo de Inductancia y de Fuerza en Circuitos Eléctricos, Caderno Catarinense de Ensino de Física, Vol. 16, número 2 (1999), review in Spanish.

2 – A. K. T. Assis, "Eletrodinâmica de Weber: Teoria, Aplicações e Exercícios" (Editora da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, Brazil, 2nd edition, 2015), 212 pages, e-ISBN: 978-85-268-1240-6. Book in PDF format (3 Mb): and Errata. A. K. T. Assis, "Eletrodinâmica de Weber: Teoria, Aplicações e Exercícios" (Editora da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, Brazil, 1st edition, 1995), 195 pages. Table of Contents. Preface. ISBN: 8526803581. Cover. Errata. This book received the Jabuti Book Prize 1996 given by the Brazilian Book Chamber - Câmara Brasileira do Livro, as book of the year in the area of Exact Sciences and Technology.

1 – A. K. T. Assis, "Curso de Eletrodinâmica de Weber" (Setor de Publicações do Instituto de Física da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, Brazil, 1992), 140 pages. Book in PDF format (3 Mb): and Errata. To obtain a printed copy for a library, send me an e-mail with your name, address and name of the library:

(E) Books in Italian:

2 - A. K. T. Assis, "I Fondamenti Sperimentali e Storici dell'Elettricità" (Associazione per l'Insegnamento della Fisica, Parma, 2017), 223 pages. La Fisica nella Scuola, Anno L, n. 2 Supplemento, Quaderno 26. Translated by P. Cerreta, A. Cerreta and R. Cerreta. Edited by P. Cerreta, R. Serafini and R. Urigu. Book in PDF format (8 Mb): To order write to: Associazione per L'Insegnamento della Fisica, Liceo Classico "G. D. Romagnosi", viale Maria Luigia 1, 43125 Parma, Italy, E-mail:, homepage: Review of the English version of this book: J. Guisasola, Science & Education, Vol. 21, pp. 283-285 (2012), DOI: 10.1007/s11191-010-9318-z, available at: This review was also published in March 2011 issue of the Newsletter of the International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Group: Review of the Portuguese version of this book: F. L. d. Silveira, Resenha: Os Fundamentos Experimentais e Históricos da Eletricidade and, Caderno Brasileiro de Ensino de Física, Vol. 27, Number 2, pp. 411-415 (2010). Videos of experiments inspired by this book performed in Italy by Pietro Cerreta of the organization ScienzaViva: Videos of experiments inspired by this book performed in Italy by the students of Francesco Minosso of the Istituto Bruno Franchetti: and Videos of experiments inspired by this book performed in Germany by Derk Frerichs and Stephan Pfeiler: Information of the Italian Association of Physics Teaching related to a talk presented on July 20, 2021, at the International Conference Hands-on Science organized by Manuel Filipe P. C. Martins Costa and José Benito Vázquez Dorrío on the subject of this book:

1 – A. K. T. Assis and C. P. Magnaghi, "Il Metodo Illustrato di Archimede: Usando la Legge della Leva per Calcolare Aree, Volumi e Centri di Gravità" (Apeiron, Montreal, 2016), 61 pages, ISBNs: 978-1-987980-05-9 (paperback) and 978-1-987980-06-6 (pdf). Book in PDF format (2 Mb): This book can be ordered from Amazon:

(F) Portuguese translations of books:

5 – "Principia: Princípios Matemáticos de Filosofia Natural," Livro II: O Movimento dos Corpos (em Meios com Resistência) and Livro III: O Sistema do Mundo (Tratado Matematicamente). Portuguese translation by A. K. T. Assis of Isaac Newton’s book Principia: Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy. (Editora da Universidade de São Paulo - EDUSP, São Paulo, Brazil, 2008), 332 pages. ISBN: 9788531410895. Table of Contents. Errata. Cover. To order write to: Edusp - Editora da Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto - Travessa J - 374 - 6º andar, Cidade Universitária, CEP 05508-010 São Paulo - SP, Brazil. Telephones: (11) 30912911, 30914008 and 30914150, fax: (11) 30914151. E-mail: Book III has also been published in Coleção Folha de São Paulo, Livros que Mudaram o Mundo, Volume 9, 120 pages, ISBN: 9788563270306 (Folha de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, 2010). Errata. Cover. To order write to: Folha de Sao Paulo, Diretoria de Circulação, Alameda Barão de Limeira 401, 01202-900 São Paulo, SP, Brazil.

4 – "Princípios de Física" – Portuguese translation of the book "Principles of Physics: a calculus-based text," 3rd edition, by R. A. Serway and J. W. Jewett Jr. (Editora Thomson, São Paulo, 2004). Vol. 1: Mecânica Clássica, pp. 1-403, translated by A. K. T. Assis, ISBN: 8522103828, cover; Vol. 2: Movimento Ondulatório e Termodinâmica, pp. 404-669, translated by L. F. d. Mello and T. M. V. F. d. Mello, technical revision by A. K. T. Assis, ISBN: 8522104131, cover; Vol. 3: Eletromagnetismo, pp. 670-941, translated by L. F. d. Mello and T. M. V. F. d. Mello, technical revision by A. K. T. Assis, ISBN: 852210414X, cover; Vol. 4: Óptica e Física Moderna, pp. 942-1256, translated by A. K. T. Assis and L. F. d. Mello, technical revision by A. K. T. Assis, ISBN: 8522104379, cover. To order write to: Editora Thomson, Rua Traipu 114 – 3º andar, Perdizes, 01235-000 São Paulo, SP, Brazil. Tel. (++55) (11) 36659900, fax: (++55) (11) 36659901, email:

3 – "O Universo Vermelho: Desvios para o Vermelho, Cosmologia e Ciência Acadêmica" - Portuguese translation of the book "Seeing Red: Redshifts, Cosmology and Academic Science," by Halton Arp (translated by A. K. T. Assis and D. S. L. Soares), (Editora Perspectiva, São Paulo, 2001), 455 pages, ISBN: 8527302586. Table of Contents. Cover. Errata. To order write to: Editora Perspectiva, Av. Brig. Luís Antônio 3025, 01401-000 São Paulo, SP, Brazil. Telefax: (++55) (11) 38858388, email:

2 – "Energia, Meio Ambiente & Desenvolvimento" - Portuguese translation of the book "Energy, Enviroment & Development," by José Goldemberg (translated by A. K. T. Assis), (Editora da Universidade de São Paulo - EDUSP, São Paulo, 1998), 234 pages, ISBN: 8531404525. Cover. Table of Contents. To order write to: Edusp - Editora da Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto - Travessa J - 374 - 6º andar, Cidade Universitária, CEP 05508-900 São Paulo - SP, Brazil. Telephones: (++55) (11) 30912911, 30914008 and 30914150, fax: (++55) (11) 30914151. E-mail:

1 – "Óptica" - Complete Portuguese translation of the book "Optics," by Isaac Newton. Translation, Introduction, Preface and Explanatory Notes by A. K. T. Assis (Edusp, São Paulo, Brazil, 1996), 294 pages, ISBN: 85-314-0340-5. The first reprint is from 2002 and the second reprint is from 2017 (ISBN: 978-85-314-0340-8). Table of Contents. Cover. To order write to: Edusp - Editora da Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto - Travessa J - 374 - 6º andar, Cidade Universitária, CEP 05508-900 São Paulo - SP, Brazil. Telephones: (++55) (11) 30912911, 30914008 and 30914150, fax: (++55) (11) 30914151. E-mail: Reviews of this translation: (A) H. Fleming, Tudo era luz, Brazilian newspaper Folha de São Paulo, Discurso Editorial/USP/Unesp, jornal de resenhas, p. 3, 08/11/96; (B) S. H. B. Livi, Óptica de Newton, além da luz, Episteme, Porto Alegre, n. 8, pp. 161-162, jan./jun. 1999; (C) Carlos Fiolhais, Um clássico de Newton, Gazeta de Física (Sociedade Portuguesa de Física), Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 37-40 (outubro de 1999), Seção Livros e Multimídia.

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